Searching Operators in Google[2021 Updated]

how to use google search like a pro

In this article I am going to tell you, how many ways we can search the Google to get relevant information in a quick manner.

Top 10 Searching Techniques in Google

  1. site:domain-name - By searching this in Google we can find the site is available to Google or not.  For Example:  By this you can find the domain name is available to Google or not.
  2. domain-name phrases and text - If you want to find the page in the site with some specific words, then simply search the domain name followed by the phrases and text you know.  For Example: technology.  By this you can find the pages in with the word technology.
  3. related:domain-name - If you want to find related sites then simply search related and colon(:) and the domain name of the site.  For Example:  By this you can find the sites related to
  4. image-name imagesize:widthxheight - If you want to find any specific image with custom dimensions.  Then simply search the name of the image followed by the "imagesize" keyword and width and height of the image.  Both width and height are in pixels.  And don't use "*" symbol, use only "x" symbol and don't leave space between width and height. For Example: Mountain imagesize:500x500.  This search will give the mountain image with dimensions of 500pixels width and 500pixels height. 

  5. 💡Did You Know? There is a mirrored site called "Google mirror". is called as google mirror.  It shows every thing reversed.  It was created by "All Too Flat" just for fun. I heard a news about this site before that this was used to search in China.  But now when you search anything in that site, it redirects to the homepage.  If you want to try that site this search in Google and you can find it. 
  6. word1 OR word2 (word 1 | word2) - If you want to find the search for two words then simply use OR operator or | operator in between the words.  For Example: Tesla OR Elon Musk.  This will give the results for both Elon Musk and Tesla.
  7. file-name filetype:file-format - If you want to find specific file types in Google then simply search the file name followed by the keyword "filetype" and colon(:) and the file format(pdf,ppt..).  For Example: businessnews filetype:pdf.  This will give you the pdfs of the business news.
  8. "Phrases" - If you want to find the results for exact phrases in Google.  Then simply type them in double quotations(" ").  For Example: "Cars".  This will give the results exactly for cars.
  9. inurl:phrases or text - If you want to find the URLs containing some specific words, then simply search the keyword inurl followed by colon(:) and the phrases and text you want to find.  For Example: inurl:money.  This will give you the results containing money word in the URLs.
  10. -words or phrases - If you want to exclude any words from the search results, then simply put "-" hyphen in front of the words.  For Example: -cars tesla.  This shows the results for tesla not for the cars.
  11. number1..number2 - If you want to find the results between any two values then simply search the numbers using "..".  For Example: buy phone 3000..5000, this show results of the price of the phones between 3000 and 5000 (currency is based on your location).
    Last Updated on 30th April 2021, 6:30 PM IST


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