Different Types of SEO practices and techniques for beginner Websites

When you create your website, you should focus on SEO in order to move forward in Google Search Results.  So what types of SEO practices you should follow in order to improve your ranking?  First of all, here we can see the four SEO practices and techniques used by many content creators.  And in later part of the article we are going to see the common SEO practices to drive more traffic to your site.

Different Types of SEO practices

These are the major Four SEO practices
White hat SEO is the best way to rank your posts.  White hat SEO only Google recommends.  You can drive more traffic by using white hat SEO in a regular way.  White hat SEO is the recommended SEO technique.

There are many techniques used in White Hat SEO.  The basic some of the White Hat SEO techniques are

1. High Quality Content

Content is the King in all the time.  You should create good and quality content to engage users in your website.  You can use many images, gifs, videos in your content.  You should write good and unique content to the users.  And placing correct keywords in your content is needed to rank your posts.

2. Good user friendly website

Now all Websites are user friendly and mobile first site nowadays.  So make a website with structured arrangement and responsive site.  Responsive site only gets more mobile traffic and if you have amp sites means then it will also get more mobile traffic.

3.  Social Media Sharing

Sharing your website posts and pages in social media and improving followers.  This activity will get traffic from social media and increases your page views.

The above techniques are some of the white hat techniques.  More SEO techniques are still there.

If Google changes their algorithm then your ranking may down a little bite.  Don't be panic, you need to adjust your white hat SEO techniques according to the new update of Google algorithm.  After your adjustment your ranking will come back.

2.  Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO practice is not recommended

Black Hat SEO is hated by Google and other search engine robots.  The black hat SEO people apply in order to increase their ranking suddenly and move to the first page of the search engines.  Black Hat SEO is not recommended.  Because Google nowadays are much smarter so it can easily find and punish your website.  Even Google can block your website from the Google searches if you use black hat SEO

The some of the Black Hat SEO techniques used are

  • Article Spinning
It creates new articles by using robots or any other software from the existing articles in Google and publish the new articles directly in Google.  Google can easily find duplicate content in the web.  So this is not a good practice.

  • Unwanted redirects
Redirecting to unwanted sites to increase traffic is also a Black Hat SEO practice.  So they redirect from a site to another site and increase traffic for the another site.  This is not a good practice in SEO.

  • Keyword Stuffing
Keyword stuffing is using the high value keywords for non relevant content or in empty pages in the website.  Google now easily find Keyword stuffing in their indexed pages.  And don't recommend keyword stuffing articles in search results.

3.  Gray Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO practice lies between White hat and black hat SEO

The Gray Hat SEO is used by many people.  But Google didn't mention that this is a bad technique.  The Gray hat SEO lies between White hat SEO and the Black Hat SEO.  Using the Gray Hat SEO is at your own risk.

The some of the Gray Hat SEO techniques are

  • Paid backlinks
Paid backlinks are giving money and getting a link in their website.  So you can gain a backlink by paying money.  This will increase ranking but if the website is not good or content may not worth then Google will down the ranking of your website.

  • Click bait content
Usually clickbait titles and more useful and get more traffic to your pages.  But when you have not relevant content in your website then the user will bounce back and your click bait will go into failure and it will decrease the ranking of Google.

4.  Negative SEO

Negative SEO to down your ranking in SERPs

Negative SEO is used to decrease your website ranking in Search Engine Result Pages.  It is done by your competitor or your hater to decrease your website ranking in Google.  So they create some negative impact on the search robots about you in order to decrease your ranking.

Some of the negative SEO practices made by haters are

  • Creating bad backlinks
Creating bad backlinks in many illegal sites for your website and Google will understand this website is not worth and your ranking will down automatically by bad backlinks.  So if you found any unwanted backlinks (spam backlinks) for your website, you can remove those links in Google by disavow links in search console.

  • Posting bad reviews
Posting bad reviews about your website can decrease your ranking in Google.  So you need to build a good reputation in Google then only no one will break the reputation easily.

Common SEO Practices to get traffic to your site

By using the SEO practices of on page SEO, off page SEO, technical SEO you can drive more traffic to your website.

1. Short description about On page SEO

On page SEO is all about optimising your content with good keyword research and writing good quality content.  When your content is relevant to the title and the user engagement will increase and automatically the ranking will also increase.  You should focus mainly on keyword research and good quality content in on page SEO.

2.  Short Description about Off page SEO

Not only on page SEO help you to rank in Google.  Off page SEO also required to show your performance in Google ranking.  Showing your activity in outside of the web and gaining more backlinks will push your website first in SERPs.  Gaining Good backlinks is one of the main off page SEO techniques.

3.  Short Description about Technical SEO

Technical SEO defines how much your website is new to the modern search engines requirements.  So you should follow technical SEO techniques and improve your website speed and fundamental structure of your website.  Then only Google will recommend you website in SERPs.


So my final words are focus on White hat SEO because it will give regular and correct ranking to your site and follow the techniques of good SEO practices to gain traffic to your site.
Content Last Updated on 24th September 2021, 9:00 PM IST

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